Tue 19.11.2019

Some Update to our Pricing Model

Dear friends of YARPS,

since the beginning of our Kickstarter campaign we were frequently pointed towards our pricing model, which appeared to lack flexibility for your individual needs – due to this circumstance our price model seemed to be overly expensive to some of you.
It is our declared aim to enable anyone who is interested in RPGs in using the YARPS platform in order to establish a living community in the platform itself to provide even more value to any of our users. Seeing some of you shy away due to this lacking flexibility was nothing we could tolerate. Especially as we reminded ourselves that YARPS was considered to be highly customizable in its overall usage. So why should we break with this approach particularly concerning the pricing model?

Therefore we put the whole pricing structure into reconsideration – keeping in mind that our Kickstarter backers shall not suffer any devaluation for their earned rewards.

This reconsideration resulted in a way more flexible approach on how features and plans can be booked compared to our previous solution.

  • Features are not bound to plans anymore but in fact can be booked even without any plan at all – which we called the “Free Plan” previously.
  • Now it’s not only about paying when your instance is in use but also about only paying for features you require for your instance. You are free in activating or deactivating features whenever changing requirements make this a necessity.
  • Any feature can be explored by anyone now without requiring anything more than an instance. As long as you stay within the included budget that comes with any instance usage is completely free of charge.

About the
Core & Premium Plans

Yet our existing plans will still remain as we are utilizing them for offering you further benefits provided that you have an instance that requires plenty of features. One of those benefits is caused by the biggest change we are applying to how plans behave and what they are: Plans are considered containers by now that are providing you with a specific amount of Instance Points to activate certain features by subscribing to one of the plans. As already pointed out, a plan doesn’t come with features that are predefined. In fact you can pick any of YARPS’ available features individually, which makes any plan highly customizable. Subscriptions of course provide you with additional Instance Points for the subscription period.

About the Pricing

In order for you to tell what price tag an instance will have attached representing your specific configuration, we put together a cost calculator for you on our Pricing Page. This should give you a pretty accurate idea of what your expected setup will look like in sheer numbers.

We appreciate all your feedback, the ideas and concerns you raised in the past weeks and months. Presumed you feel like us – who are eager to develop all of YARPS’ capabilities based on what actually counts to you the most – we ask you to keep cluing us in. We are confident that YARPS can live up to all our expectations!